When to Consider Dust Monitoring for Improved Air Quality and Health
Requests by the EPA, a requirement of a development consent application or if you are concerned about excessive dust on your property caused by another organisation EnviroScience Solutions can develop an appropriate scope of works and monitoring program to ensure compliance of the relevant standard so that neighbouring property owners are safe knowing that their health is not being compromised by your works.
If employees have respiratory irritations and are working in a dusty environment, or if you suspect employees are being overexposed to dust, then it is due diligence to contact EnviroScience Solutions to undertake monitoring of your workplace and ensure legal obligations to the safety and wellbeing of staff are met. EnviroScience also offers Respirator Fit Testing programs to ensure personal are protected.
Why call EnviroScience Solutions for dust monitoring?
Based in Regional NSW with our head office & laboratory in Dubbo and offices in Wagga, Tamworth & Orange, EnviroScience Solutions team of Scientists and Occupational Hygienists are fully equipped for dust level monitoring in regional NSW providing a quick and efficient service. Flexible, quick to act and not far away – EnviroScience Solutions has forged a reputation as one of Australia’s leading locally owned occupational hygiene & environmental consultancies, having a commitment to service that is second to none. Our extensive experience in dust monitoring includes quarterly surveys at the Dubbo Zirconia project managed by Alkane Resources.
Our clients
EnviroScience Solutions has worked with many commercial, council and government departments or corporations within the mining and extraction including quarries, forestry, manufacturing, construction and agribusiness industry sectors.