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EnviroScience Solutions works extensively with the mining and resources sector to minimise the environmental impacts of mining and quarry operations on the surrounding environment and ensure the health of on-site personnel, and the wider public, is protected. 

Specialising in the identification, monitoring and management of contaminants and hazardous materials, we perform dust level monitoring during operational periods to reduce the incidence of dust, without hindering productivity. We also carry it out at property boundaries to ensure surrounding properties and residents are protected and not adversely affected.

Tracking the human health of those working onsite, is done through personal dust level monitoring while they perform certain activities such as cutting, mining, crushing, grinding or sanding of materials. Respirator fit testing is carried out to measure inhalable and respirable dust levels. In addition, we are a licensed holder for sampling and analysing airborne dust, in accordance with section 158 of the World Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022.

Other hazardous materials we test, and monitor for, include crystalline silica, asbestos and Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA).  We also carry out ground water testing and monitoring, noise monitoring and vibration monitoring.

As a regionally-based firm we have the advantage of offering the services of our technical and scientific specialists who are located close to key mining regions in New South Wales. They are on-hand to assess and undertake the scope of works in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our reach across the state ensure we can also offer an emergency response service (less than 24 hours) to most regional locations.


Silica Dust Monitoring Project

EnviroScience Solutions was commissioned by a large quarry operation in New South Wales to undertake personal respirable, inhalable and crystalline silica dust assessments on its workers while working on site. Forming part of the client’s yearly obligations to comply with safety regulations for workers’ health and exposure levels, the assessment was conducted over an eight-hour period to replicate a standard working day, commencing at the start of the shift.

Prior to pumps and sampling heads being installed, a general toolbox meeting was held to explain why the assessment was being conducted, the benefits, what was being assessed, and what was required from the employees throughout the assessment.

Once the pumps had been set up, it was important for our personnel to record environmental conditions on the day, as they could impact the movement and creation of dust. A visual assessment of the site was also conducted to identify key areas where excessive dust could be created by specific machinery, potentially posing a risk of exposure to employees. This was then fed into a report including ongoing site-specific recommendations and improved working procedures, to ensure a safe working environment is maintained.


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