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At EnviroScience Solutions, we service the energy and utilities sector by offering comprehensive environmental testing, advice and support to ensure compliance with regulations and the adherence of sustainable practices.

Specialising in the identification, monitoring and management of contaminants and hazardous substances in the soil, water, air and materials, we conduct health risk and exposure assessments, site investigations, monitoring of hazardous materials, and develop management plans across a range of issues.

Energy Transmission Line Drilling naturally occurring asbestos

Common hazardous materials we test, and monitor for, include Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) found in rocks, sentiment and soil, and asbestos which can be found in water pipes. We also carry out comprehensive dust monitoring, and water testing and monitoring.

We work with energy providers maintaining or servicing existing infrastructure, or during the decommissioning or removal phase. We also provide testing and monitoring services prior to the installation of new infrastructure, such as transmission lines, nbn, and pipe and water infrastructure. As well as, innovative environmental solutions for renewable energy projects including solar farms, wind and hydro.

Being regionally based, and with more than 50 technical and scientific specialists across New South Wales, we are well positioned near key energy and utilities projects and can mobilise our team in a timely and cost-effective manner.


Naturally Occurring Asbestos Investigation and Sampling for Transmission Line

In 2019, EnviroScience Solutions was commissioned to undertake a comprehensive site investigation and sampling regime for Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) prior to the structural upgrades to a transmission line in the Central West of New South Wales.

Undertaken as due diligence prior to the upgrade works taking place, the project was to assess the likelihood of NOA where new holes would be excavated as part of pole replacement works.

Taking samples from 27 locations along the transmission line, deemed as areas within the low-high potential for NOA (as per the NSW Government’s Resources and Geoscience NOA map), the sampling aimed to identify any traces of NOA in geological deposits including rock, sediment or soil.

Augering 53 boreholes at each replacement pole location, the soils were exhumed and inspected for rock type, mineralisation and any potential for NOA. Samples were then taken for asbestos analysis to determine if any NOA  was present.

While no NOA was detected in the samples analysed, it could not be assumed there was none present within the host rock as asbestos can occur in seams and veins. EnviroScience then provided the client with a list of recommendations including asbestos awareness training for all staff and contractors, the adoption of dust suppression techniques, the safe disposal of stockpiled soils and ongoing air monitoring to assess asbestos exposure levels.


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